





【JJNSセミナーImproving Your Success at Publishing in English 2024】
The Challenges of International Collaborative Research 開催のお知らせ

公益社団法人日本看護科学学会(JANS)の英文誌(Japan Journal of Nursing Science, JJNS)編集委員会は、2006年よりJJNSに限定せず、国際誌に投稿しようとする研究者をサポートするために、JJNSセミナーを開催しています。







公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
英文誌編集委員会 委員長  グレッグ 美鈴

Presentation 1
Introduction of International Collaborative Study with the University of Washington (UW)


 Akiko Kondo, PhD, RN
 International Nursing Development, Institute of Science Tokyo


Initially, I would like to introduce overall international collaborative studies that I conducted so far. And then, I will introduce a study “Factors related to mental health effect among nursing students in Japan and the United States during the coronavirus pandemic: A cross‐sectional study”, which was published in International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. We collected data of nursing students from four universities in Japan and a university in the United States, and compared their mental health during COVID-19. We found the important role of perceived control and some cultural differences potentially related to nursing students’ mental health. I will talk about how we started the study, the predetermined rules we made among the co-researchers, the difficulties we encountered, and highlights and lowlights. I also hope to be able to give some useful advice for Japanese researchers planning future international collaborative studies.


Presentation 2
COIL Programs for Global Health Nursing Education: Showcase from Thailand


 Juraporn Tangpukdee, PhD, RN
 Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand


I will outline the overview of the international collaborative research studies, that I have conducted. Following this, I will focus on a specific study, titled "The Online Workshop between Japan and Thailand to Change Travel Behaviors on a Thai University Campus," which subsequently developed into a larger research project published in the Journal of Transport & Health (Vol. 22, Article 101208). Data were collected from Khon Kaen University in Thailand, where we implemented an online workshop involving interdisciplinary students from both Khon Kaen University and Kanagawa University of Human Services, Japan, in January 2021. This workshop aimed to influence and examine students' travel behaviors on campus. We analyzed the relationships between students' travel behavior and their perceptions, with outcome variables including the frequency of shuttle bus use and usual travel modes, while perceptions served as the predictive variables. The program demonstrated positive outcomes, with students reporting valuable experiences in international collaboration, such as forming lasting professional relationships and establishing frameworks for ongoing global education initiatives. However, students’ reflections also highlighted a desire for an in-person international exchange program, expressing interest in opportunities to travel and engage in cultural experiences globally.


Presentation 3
An International Research Collaboration: The Journey


 Kathie Lasater, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
 OHSU School of Nursing


This presentation focuses on an international collaboration between nursing education researchers in both Japan and the US. The journey began 10 years ago as a simple connection between two researchers, who met through a shared acquaintance at an international conference. The connection grew into a collaboration when the Japanese researcher recognized a need in her country and engaged the US researcher to help. The collaboration developed through networking, in-person and virtual presentations and discussions, expert translation and interpretation, and the benefit of other collaborators. Lessons learned on this international journey throughout the journey will be shared. 


Presentation 4
Tips and Considerations for Conducting Multinational Collaborative Research -from Planning to Paper-


 Tomiko Toda, RN, PhD
 Faculty of Global Nursing, Otemae University


This session describes the process of international collaborative research by a team of researchers from over 15 countries, how each process from planning to implementation to writing the paper was carried out, and the issues that were considered. When conducting collaborative international research, cultural, linguistic, and systemic differences must be considered, and consensus-building among researchers is required at each stage of the process. This session shows how we facilitated the research, what we paid attention to when presenting the results and discussions, and what we tried to devise to promote international research smoothly based on our experiences and comparisons with domestic research.

Presentation 5
Strategies to Develop International Collaborative Research


 William L Holzemer, RN, PhD, FAAN
 School of Nursing Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


This 30-minute seminar will explore strategies to help you think about how to develop international collaborative research.  The four strategies include: 1) Have a developed program of research that can be shared; 2) Build connections with your research team and potential international collaborators; 3) Build a collaborative research team with clear rules for collaboration; and, 4) Develop and implement your developed, collaborative protocol. 






 2024年12月16日(月)正午 配信開始~2025年1月31日(金) 配信終了予定




会員: 無料

看護基礎教育課程(大学、短期大学、専門学校等)の学生: 無料


非会員: 2,200円 (クレジットカード支払いのみとなります)




会員 受講申込 ※無料

学生 受講申込 ※無料

非会員 受講申込



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  • 会員の方が非会員で登録された場合、非会員料金となります。


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