JJNSがINANE (International Academy of Nursing Editors) の Virtual Journal 2020に選ばれました
We are pleased to announce that JJNS was selected to be part of the INANE Virtual Journal (IVJ). INANE is an unstructured international group of editors of nursing related journals that conducts an annual meeting providing mentorship and training for new editor. This year's IVJ has 101 articles from 101 different journals. There is an amazing selection this year. Many of the articles have PDFs and are open access. It is very exciting to join this international group recognizing the richness of nursing science and the rigor of the science across many specialty areas.
Go to this site to see the collection of journals and their selected articles:
The article selected by JJNS to be included by Asakura (et al.) 2019 is at:
The inclusion of JJNS in the INANE Virtual Journal 2020 is a great achievement, and we would like to congratulate the authors who were selected.