Japan Academy of Nursing Science


Chairperson’s Address to Members

February 2025

Toyoko Yoshizawa, PhD
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Japan Academy of Nursing Science

Dear Members,
As we approach spring, I hope that all our members are in good health. Last year, we experienced the devastating Noto Peninsula Earthquake, followed by the heavy rains in September while recovery and reconstruction efforts were still in progress; the past year has made us increasingly aware of the various crises caused by global climate change. We would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to all those who are still in the process of recovery and reconstruction.
This year, 2025, is the Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac, and the image of a snake shedding its skin seems to represent "revival and rebirth" and even "the birth of a new life, a new rebirth." I hope that this will be a year in which not only Japan but the world will be revived anew.
Below is a brief report on the activities of the Japan Academy of Nursing Science (JANS) in 2024.
The 44th Conference, an important project of the Japan Academy of Nursing Science, was held for two days from December 7 and 8, 2024, at Kumamoto Castle Hall under the theme of "Nursing Science's Challenge to a Society of Disparities - Creating a Future beyond Imagination." The frequent occurrence of major disasters and the various effects of the discord in the world situation are causing various disparities, including health disparities. It was also a place to think at length about how nursing science can tackle these issues, and the conference was a great success, with the number of presentations, including various lectures, symposiums, exchange meetings, and English sessions, exceeding 1,000. I realized again how wonderful the Annual Conference is, and I would like to express my gratitude to all involved, including the Annual Conference Chair, Prof. Hitomi Maeda.
Each Committee of the Academy has been steadily expanding and revitalizing its activities. We have been working hard to activate young researchers, and from this January, Student Memberships were launched, as approved at the Representative meeting in June. This is a project to sow the seeds for those who will become full members of the Academy in the future.
Another thing we have focused on in the past year is "how to involve the public." I spoke about citizen science in nursing at a joint lecture with JANA two years ago. While emphasizing that nursing is “only provided by professionals,” how can we get citizens involved in their health as a matter of personal concern? I have posted on Facebook the term "user democracy" alongside “citizen science,” and have instilled within JANS the desire to make nursing more consciously part of the public's business. As one move in this direction, the JANS website will undergo renewal in April of this year, and a "general contact" window will be opened within it. We hope that this will bring JANS closer to the public and make them even more interested in nursing.

However, while these active projects are a welcome development for the Academy, the issue of securing financial resources due to the Academy being a public interest incorporated association has become apparent as we need to expand our business further. We believe that a major challenge for 2025 will be what to focus on in order to develop the business of the Academy.
In 2025, JANS will hold an election for Directors, and it will be a year of rebirth appropriate for the Year of the Snake. It will also be a year of further innovation in nursing science. In the future, I intend to meet with Representatives and members directly at the Representatives meetings and Academy general assembly meetings, receive frank opinions, and cooperate with the Board of Directors and Auditors to ensure active Academy management and to proceed with positive renewal.

As always, I look forward to working together with your continued support this year.

Sincerely yours

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